Hiroshima & Nagasaki: Before Destruction Before Destruction Nuclear Darkness would like to thank the City of Hiroshima (Cultural Promotion Division Culture and Sports Department Citizens Affairs Bureau) for letting us use the following images. photo by Yasuharu OKADA Provided by Hiroshima Peace Memorial MuseumNo Creditphoto by Takashi KATAYAMA Provided by Culture and Sports Department, Citizenz Affairs Bureau, the City of HiroshimaNo creditNo creditNo creditNo creditNo creditphoto by Kenichi KAWARAZAKI Provided by Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museumphoto by Kenichi KAWARAZAKI Provided by Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museumphoto by Yoko SHINEDA Provided by Hiroshima Peace Memorial MuseumNo credithiroshima_before_destruction_07photo by Hatsumasa TANIMURA Provided by Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museumphoto by Yasuharu OKADA Provided by Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museumphoto by Kenro HASEBE Provided by Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museumphoto by Yasuharu OKADA Provided by Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museumphoto by Shigemi HAMAMOTO Provided by Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museumphoto by Shigemi HAMAMOTO Provided by Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum Effects of an 800-Kiloton Nuclear Warhead Detonated above Midtown Manhattan Panorama Pictures of Hiroshima